Virginians win second year 2006 Challenge X hybrid SUV contest

For the past few months we've reported about the Challenge X competition where various college students--and even a smattering of high schoolers--compete to develop a hybrid SUV. Well, the winners for the second year of the three year competition has been announced. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University won first place with a hybrid that uses 30 percent petroleum. The University of Wisconsin-Madison won second with a biodiesel-fueled, turbo-charged hybrid. Mississippi State University won third with a hybrid electric vehicle fueled on B20 biodiesel. Other contestants included Michigan Technological University; Ohio State University; Pennsylvania State University; Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; San Diego State University; Texas Tech University; University of Akron; University of California, Davis; University of Michigan; University of Tennessee; University of Texas at Austin; University of Tulsa; University of Waterloo; and West Virginia University. The third competition will be held at the end of 2007. Personally, we'd take any of their hybrid SUVs.
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[Source: CCNews]

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