Robert Redford wants you to Kick the Oil Habit


The Center for American Progress, which bills itself as a nonpartisan organization (we'll let our readers form their own opinion), has kicked off a campaign to Kick the Oil Habit. Academy Award winner Robert Redford was given a spot on's front page to speak his mind about the project, which is certainly an unusual opportunity.

The first step to kicking this habit, according to Redford and the CAP, is to encourage oil companies to increase the availability of E85 and flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs). The goal is to double the number of E85 pumps in the next year, and to make E85 available at half of the nation's gas stations in this decade. After that, things get a bit fuzzier, with calls to "launch new challenges to our elected leaders".  

Certainly, we look forward to the successful deployment of alternatives to oil, and hopefully the campaign can generate some concrete proposals. At this time, however, there doesn't yet appear to be much to this push, except an effort to promote the so-called "carbohydrate economy".


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