2004 Honda Civic hybrid still reliable in the mpg department

Over at the Hybrid Cars blog, Paul Burnett wrote a quick post this past weekend about how he and his wife recently put a 2004 Honda Civic hybrid to the test and figured out exactly how many miles per gallon the car got. The couple spent two weeks driving all over the Southwestern corner of the United States, from California to Flagstaff, AZ to the desert monuments in the hybrid and ended up putting 3611 miles on the odometer. Their final report shows the real-world mileage of their car to be 43.9 miles per gallon, which is just under the cars EPA mileage rating of about 45-51 mpg (Burnett doesn't specify exactly which model he drives). Burnett does say that they often drove the car at about 75-80 mph, not at the more efficient 55-60 mph.

[Source: Hybrid Cars]

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