Detroit automakers pledge support for "25x25" Initiative

As reported earlier, the CEOs of the Big Three  met with Congressional leaders Thursday, pledging their support for U.S. energy security through advanced technology initiatives and alternative fuels.
Tom LaSorda, Bill Ford and Rick Wagoner (right) told Congress that they support the "25x25" Initiative, an effort to get 25 percent of U.S. transportation energy needs met by renewable fuels by 2025. The Initiative is led by the Energy Future Coalition, with support from agriculture and forestry groups.

The U.S. automakers say they're doing their part with the production of flexible fuel vehicles, but said that fuel availability is a major obstacle to meeting the 2025 target. With only about 600 retail outlets currently carrying E-85 , the automakers say the figure will need to climb to the 34,000-50,000 to support the increased production of E-85-capable vehicles.

[Source: General Motors]

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