UAW officials to see charges stemming from 1997 strike tampering


If General Motors wanted to cool down the tensions between itself and the United Auto Workers (UAW), perhaps a new legal case that will see charges brought against union members for strike tampering isn't the way to do engender better relations. Fortunately for GM, it isn't the one bringing the legal axe down on the allegedly corrupt members.

International UAW representative Donny Douglas and retired Pontiac chairman Jay Campbell will go on trial in June for conspiracy, extortion and mail fraud. The duo allegedly pushed the length of a UAW walkout at a GM truck plant in Pontiac, Michigan to 87 days in order to pressure the automaker to hire a family member and a friend. The strike was originally about staffing levels and ultimately cost both General Motors and union workers significant amounts of cash and grief.

[Sources: Detroit Free Press; General Motors]

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