Running on Air

The Scuderi Group has developed a breakthrough air-hybrid powertrain, claimed to be the world's most fuel efficient internal combustion engine, according to a report from Technology News Daily. The engine will debut at the Engine Expo 2006 in Stuttgart, Germany, which runs from May 9th until the 11th. The engine promises to double the fuel efficiency of today's automobiles and reduce toxic emissions by up to 80 percent. On top of that, the concept promises to make hybrid vehicles easier and less expensive to build. The engine is able to recapture and store energy in the form of compressed air. With the addition of a small air storage tank and some controls regenerative braking is achieved. The Air-Hybrid also has the capability to recapture energy from the exhaust of the engine. The Scuderi Group's webpage has a pretty detailed write-up of how the concept works. We can expect the first diesel and gasoline prototypes in 2007, and we can't wait to see how it works in the real world.
[Source: Technology News Daily]

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