AutoblogGreen questions X1 electric roadster

Sibling site Autoblog Green recently posted on the X1, an electric car that has appeared on Autoblog's pages before. But it's not an ordinary car: designed as a roadster, the X1 has a zero-to-sixty time a half second faster than the 1000-horsepower, $1.25 million Bugatti Veyron. Impressive figures that the creator of the X1, Ian Wright, hopes will attract investors to produce more of the electric powerhouse.

But so what? asks Bruno Vanzieleghem of ABG. Fast electric cars are nothing new. Vanzieleghem points to the Ariel Atom on which the X1 is based, stating the light weight of such vehicles as the major contributing factor to their speed. A petrol-powered Ariel Atom would embarass an X1 that's laden down with heavy batteries. The X1 doesn't represent a revolutionary breakthrough for electric car development so much as it attracts attention to itself and the EV movement.

What do you think of the X1? Is it an important component of electric car development or just an offshoot to more serious pursuits in EV technology? Shock back in 'Comments'.

[Source: CNN Money via AutoblogGreen; Ariel Motor]

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