Cadillac advertising gets a new voice

Cadillac’s Liz Vanzura was reportedly disgusted with the brand’s Super Bowl spot that depicted the new 2007 Escalade in a fashion show. The ad apparently flopped in all the meters measuring how much the audience liked the commercial. In response to Cadillac’s flailing marketing effort she has transferred the marketing duties for some of the brand’s models away from Leo Burnett, the agency responsible for the Super Bowl fumble, to an agency called Modernista.
According to The Car Connection, Modernista will handle marketing the CTS, SRX, V-Series models and other unnamed cross-brand projects while Leo Burnett will retain the Escalade, DTS, STS and XLR.

Vanzura previously held a job at Volkswagen as head of advertising when that brand’s marketing was on fire and had everyone humming “Da Da Da” all day long. The agency responsible for those ads was Arnold Worldwide and the talent behind the concept was one Lance Jensen who went on to start Modernista.

Modernista currently handles marketing for the HUMMER brand and created the Super Bowl ad in which a HUMMER H3 is born out of the taboo love between a giant lizard and robot. Heh, a giant lizard and robot… marketing gold.

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