Automakers and 'tough love' websites

Can the Internet with its free-flowing, non-censored, plethora of continuous information wake up the automotive industry? Joe Guy Collier of the Detroit Free Press covered the Autoextremist, Solsticeforum, The Truth About Cars, and General Watch sites well known for their blunt or, at the very least, colorful diatribe on various automakers.

Each site has a unique history but all share similar intentions. Peter DeLorenzo, who has over twenty years' experience in advertising and marketing in the auto industry, started Autoextremist because no one in the media would openly voice their private concerns about automotive polices. Jim Dollinger, a GM car salesperson, started General Watch in hopes that his commentaries and editorials would help the troubled automaker. And freelance journalist ("basically, I'm unemployable") Robert Farago states similar purpose for his Truth About Cars site.

Honesty or vindictiveness? Bluntness or bashing? And is the automotive industry even listening?

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