You want the truth? Well, send me your car

The Truth About Cars (TTAC) wants, well... cars. Specifically, test cars from the manufacturers. In what is one of the odder posts since Farago’s review of the Pontiac G6*, the writer of the General Motors Death Watch series is trying to sell its special brand of tough love to the "keepers of the keys".
Farago’s spiel is simple. The Truth About Cars—its articles and reviews—is about honesty, no matter how much it hurts. The non-commercial site points out that the true nature of vehicles cannot be hidden from the public in this brave new world that's covered by a very wide web.

The Internet is rapidly reaching numero uno status among car buyers and enthusiasts who, Farago argues, aren't as easily duped by the latest “Three Thumbs Up!” advertising found in traditional marketing and magazines.

TTAC, as one of those online sources, is more than willing to hop behind the wheel of a press vehicle and tell it like it is.  The problem seems to be that automakers aren't very fond of TTAC's caustic wit.

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