iTunes users dig their VWs

According to the statisticians over at Nielsen Netratings, if you're an iTunes user, chances are good you've indulged a hankerin' for a Volkswagen.

In a new study released Thursday, NN's latest findings reveal that the average iTunes guy/gal is some 2.2 times more likely to own der Deutsche automaker's products than another Internet surfer. Other car makers that are hits with the media download service's audience include Audi and Subaru.

Among their other consumer allegiances, iTunes users count hard cider as their adult beverage of choice, and they're 3.3 times more likely to read Rolling Stone magazine.

Autoblog staffers might not order many bottles of Woodchuck, but we make no bones about our affinity for the sleek chrome-panned music bauble, or the podcasting medium that it's spawned. Check out our latest homage to Apple's coveted music box here.


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