Don't mess with GM in Texas

In retaliation for Toyota beginning production of a new truck factory in San Antonio GM will launch a new ad campaign stating their long term presence in the state. GM, which has a 50-year-old plant in Arlington, Texas is none too happy to see the Japanese company encroaching on American truck territory. The campaign espousing how great GM has been to the Texas people for the past half century launched after Toyota began airing ads talking up it's under-construction facility. Sure it sounds benign but Toyota will be hiring 2,000 locals and state and city officials are more than happy to welcome Toyota to the Lone Star State. The love fest the two companies share over platforms like the Vibe/Matrix will continue of course and execs say its just healthy competition. But the advertising seems somewhat harsh. From the original story: "The GM ads mimic those that Toyota began running nationwide last summer featuring its eight North American plants already operating or under construction and noting Toyota's contributions to the U.S. economy. GM's Texas ads, featuring a sketch of a GM truck plant in Pontiac, Mich. and dated 1911, state, "We ran an ad when our 8th plant opened, too. That was in 1911." Subtle guys, real subtle.

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