
Angry ex-girlfriend smashes man's car, nearly runs him over

A video uploaded last week shows a one-woman car wrecking machine in Boston destroying her ex-boyfriend's car and nearly slamming into him. The description calls the man filming the video "Young Wild." Throughout the recording, the angry woman is referred to as Terri. She goes on a nearly five-minute rampage. She used her own Mercedes to scrape against her ex's. Then she hopped out of her car with a tool. After she used the item to smash a window in the Young Wild's home she then set to work keying his car and breaking more windows. The entire time, Young Wild narrated her destruction, like a documentary maker filming crazy in its natural habitat. He mentioned Terri has two open cases against him for harassment and abuse, and that she retracted statements made to police in both cases. During her window smashing, Young Wild did the smart thing and stayed out of her way. What he did next however, almost cost him his life.

After she seemed to leave, Young Wild went out to check the damage. As he walked around the car her vehicle barreled from around the corner. He got out of the way just in time. Instead of hitting him, she smashed into his rear bumper. Now, we don't know her side of the story. Maybe he was a really bad boyfriend. But when it comes to attempted vehicular manslaughter, there's no excuse. Almost murdering her former lover isn't enough. She reversed and came back to do more damage to the car.

This isn't the first jilted lover to be filmed taking out her frustration and hurt on a vehicle. A pregnant woman in Brazil destroyed her cheating husband's car last month after finding him at lunch with his mistress. In October last year, a woman in China smashed her husband's BMW after he moved in with a much younger woman. His response? "Let her smash it."

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