
Koenigsegg adds next North American dealership in... Calgary?

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A foreign supercar manufacturer trying to break into North America will almost invariably want to hit the major markets first. That means one in the Northeast (like New York), one in California, then maybe Texas or Miami and one in Toronto to cover the Canadian market. But Koenigsegg is going a different route: it's reportedly putting its next dealership in Calgary, of all places.

According to a report from the Calgary Herald, the Swedish exotic automaker has contracted with Lamborghini Calgary to sell its supercars at its new showroom in the Canadian city. The dealership is being set up by Weissach Performance, which sells Porsches, Lambos, Lotuses and Bugattis in Vancouver, and will sell many of those same brands at its new Calgary location as well.

Now if you're wondering "why Calgary?" you're in good company. The Alberta metropolis is ranked between third and fifth largest largest in Canada, after Toronto, Montreal and maybe Vancouver and Ottawa (depending on how large a metropolitan area you're counting). But it hardly ranks among the largest in North America altogether. According to franchise owner Asgar Virji, however (as quoted by the Herald), "Calgarians at heart are probably the most dedicated sports car, supercar drivers, in all of Canada."

Koenigsegg recently contracted Manhattan Motorcars in New York as its first North American dealership, and the manufacturer's website lists Lake Forrest Supercars in suburban Chicago as well. While preparing this article, Koenigsegg added both the Calgary location as well as Weissach in Vancouver as its Canadian dealers too, but has yet to announce any others in North America. We've reached out to the manufacturer for more information and will update you when we have more to report.

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