7 Articles
Elon Musk promises $1 million, Supercharger for New York's Nikola Tesla Museum

Which Is $7 Million Short Of What He Was Asked To Give

Earlier this year, Matthew Inman, the creator of The Oatmeal, penned a gushing review of his Tesla Model S, and followed it up with a request to Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk for $8 million to help build a museum dedicated to the achievements of the company's namesake because "any less than

Elon Musk called on to support Nikola Tesla museum

To some, Nikola Tesla was the most unappreciated inventor ever. That's why a group of activists are pushing for a U.S. museum to honor this creator of revolutionary technologies. How about this important work: the alternating current (AC) electricity that powers your home today. There were several Tesla inventions that other people took credit for, such as radio, radar, x-rays, and other breakthroughs he made in the first part of the 20th century.