
The weirdest cars, bikes and Seadoos(?) at the Woodward Dream Cruise. Oh, and dogs

An IROC-Z monster truck, Stormtrooper on a motorcycle and the actual Batmobile came to Woodward

Weird stuff at the 2021 Woodward Dream Cruise
Weird stuff at the 2021 Woodward Dream Cruise / Image Credit: Zac Palmer
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The Woodward Dream Cruise is a day-long event where (nearly) anything flies. It’s a special day for any vehicle — and we do mean vehicle — enthusiast in the southeast Michigan area, but plenty of folks from outside the state travel in to attend the party, too.

Total attendance for the day typically exceeds 1 million people, and the number of cars cruising Woodward is normally higher than 40,000. The name describes what it is best. “Woodward” is the name of the road on which the “Cruise” takes place. However, it’s much less of a cruise and more of a traffic jam with how many cars ultimately show up. Traffic rarely exceeds the 45 mph speed limit, and most of the time everybody is simply idling along at a crawl. That’s exactly what the people want, though, since the way you “attend” this cruise is simply by pitching a chair on the side of the road. It’s the best moving car show you’ll ever go to. Just expect your eardrums to take a beating from time to time, and know that your lungs will get their yearly dose of pre-emissions exhaust fumes.

You have your choice of where to attend, as well, since cruisers go as far north as Pontiac, Mich., and as far south as Ferndale, Mich., a 14-mile stretch. If it’s your first time, though, we definitely recommend posting up between Royal Oak and Birmingham, as that’s where the meat of the cars and people gather.

Dogs of the 2021 Woodward Dream Cruise
Dogs of the 2021 Woodward Dream Cruise
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And what an entertaining gathering it is. We truly mean it when we say anything goes. The definition of “street legal” is broadened for this one day, as folks bust out the most bizarre and head-scratching builds you’ll ever see. Sure, the main event is derived from and caters to classic American muscle — you can check out the meat and potatoes of the cruise in our main post here — but it’s the strange automobile concoctions that give the cruise an extra spice. And the dogs. Don’t forget about the dogs. This year’s cruise saw temperatures rising above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, so the herd of dogs was thinner than usual, but there were still enough fluffers hanging out in classic cars to make everybody’s day.

Take a scroll through the galleries, and enjoy. And make the trip to Woodward next year if you can. We can guarantee the show won’t disappoint.

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