
Riding in the Ford Broncos, driving the 775hp Jack Roush Edition Mustang | Autoblog Podcast #641

Plus a possible electric Corvette, used car prices and the state of the auto industry in 2020

In this week's Autoblog Podcast, Editor-in-Chief Greg Migliore is joined by Associate Editor Byron Hurd. This week's podcast leans heavily toward American cars, starting out with Byron's ride-along impressions of the 2021 Ford Bronco and Bronco Sport. After that, Byron talks about driving the 2020 Jack Roush Edition Stage 3 Ford Mustang GT and he and Greg compare notes on driving cars with aftermarket power-adders and suspension setups. Then, it's time for some news. The auto industry has having a rough year thanks to COVID, but there are signs of life and presidential hopeful Joe Biden might have leaked Chevy's plans to build a 200-mph electric Corvette. The two wrap up with a discussion of the red-hot used car market and how Byron took the opportunity to unload one of his personal vehicles. 

Autoblog Podcast #641

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