
'Top Gear' episode 5 recap | Supra bickering, plus a special F1 car

The season finale ends on an entertaining note

"Top Gear" episode 5 / Image Credit: Lee Brimble/BBCAmerica
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Just like that, season 27 of “Top Gear” is over. It was a short but entertaining five episodes from Chris Harris, Freddie Flintoff and Paddy McGuinness. We may have struggled to understand what Freddie and Paddy were saying sometimes, but when we could, they provided some genuinely fine entertainment.

This last episode featured Formula Off-Road. If you haven’t watched the sport before, treat yourself to some of it as soon as you can. It’s one of the wildest motorsports series you’ll ever have the pleasure of watching, and you get to see Chris and Freddie take a crack at it here. They’re covered head-to-toe in mud by the end, but it looks so worth it.

We finally got to see someone other than Chris take the lead on a new car review this season, too. Honors go to Paddy, and he got to take the new Supra for a spin. Before that, though, he hopped in the revered MkIV Supra. If you’re a hardcore Supra enthusiast, then this is definitely the episode of "Top Gear" you’ll want to consume. After trotting the new car about for awhile, he lets Chris hop in and give his take. We won’t let on exactly what Harris thought, but he’s as far away from Paddy as could be. That’s the new Supra in a nutshell, though. Some of us hate it, while some of us are completely fine with it.

The celebrity guest this week was Will Young, a British artist. He was an entertaining fellow, but the most entertaining bit of all came after him with the Formula 1 feature. Lotus let Chris Harris get behind the wheel of the Lotus 79, the Championship winning John Player Special car that introduced ground effects to the sport. We’ll let “Top Gear” do the explaining, but if you weren’t familiar with this Formula 1 history before, you’re going to love the history lesson.

And that’s where the BBC and “Top Gear” left it for the year. The show will undoubtedly return for season 28 next year, and maybe we’ll get even more episodes than the five in 2019.

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