Dutch drivers enter the futuristic ‘Gates of Light’

60 floodgates light up, along with electricity-generating kites

Sixty floodgates at the Afsluitdijk levee in the Netherlands have been fitted with reflective tape. The tape illuminates when struck by light. Twenty thousand cars a day will be greeted by "Gates of Light."

The levee restoration project is a partnership between the Dutch government and design studio Icoon Afsluitdijke. After the Gates of Light, drivers are met by Windvogel, kites that create 100 kW of electricity using greenlit cables. Electricity is generated from wind pulling and pushing the kite. Connected to the road is an interactive exhibit with bioluminescent algae.

The 20-mile-long stretch of road has protected the Netherlands from water and floods since 1932. Should all roads and bridges get this treatment? Dutch design studio Icoon Afsluitdijk and the Dutch government have collaborated to enhance the image of an 86-year-old levee. Learn more at studioroosegaarde.net

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