The List

Drive A Fire Truck | The List #0527

Driving a fire truck is way harder than you think.

There's really no way around it, fire trucks are just inherently cool. You were a kid once. You get it. On this episode of The List, our hosts Jessi and Patrick get to live all of our childhood dreams. Not only do they get to respond to actual calls with actual firefighters, but they even get behind the wheel of a fire truck themselves!

The day starts off with Patrick and Jessi in the fire house, learning about the intense lengths the fire fighters go to make sure they're on the truck and on the way to the emergency in the shortest amount of time. In fact, from the start of an alarm, the fire fighters have only one minute to completely suit up and get on the truck, or they're getting left behind. As if on cue, right in the middle of the lesson, an actual fire alarm goes off. It was up to our hosts to suit up as best they could and jump on the truck to make sure they got to come along for the ride.

During the travels, the pair remarked on the unique way fire trucks navigate traffic on the busy LA streets. Between driving on the "wrong" side of the road and realizing that sometimes going slower means getting to your destination faster, it was a whole new world to take in.

After riding along on a few calls, they decided it was finally time to get behind the wheel themselves. Luckily for them, the station provided them with a type of fire truck called a tiller, which actually has two drivers. One driver steers the main portion of the truck, while the other controls the back end. This allows for more maneuverability, but also requires the two drivers to be in constant communication with each other.

Once the duo seemed to get the basics down, they decided to drive the tiller through an obstacle course set up specifically for them. Although some traffic cones were harmed in the making of this episode, we think the team did pretty well. To see for yourself, check out the episode above, and let us know what you think in the comments!

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