
Over 1,000 Ram pickups lap Nürburgring in world record parade

Consider the "Largest Parade of Pick-Up Trucks" record smashed.

How many Ram trucks would you think you'd see in one place anywhere outside the US? If you by any chance happened to be at the Nürburgring Nordschleife track in Germany the past weekend, you would have seen a great deal of them, as Ram enthusiasts grouped together to set a Guinness World Record. The record called for as many pick-up trucks as possible to form a parade, with the previous, Mexican-set record having consisted of 638 trucks; the earlier Ram-specific record featured 451 trucks.

On November 5th, as many as 1,152 Ram trucks gathered at the 'Ring, and of course a lap of the Nordschleife track was the place for the actual parade. This video, which is more than a half-hour, shows the multitude of Rams slowly lapping the track, with flags waving in the cold November air. Honking horns was strictly prohibited, and the Rams did not off-road through the Adenauer Forst S-bend's grass. This is also one of the rare Nürburgring videos where no-one crashes into the railings at great speed.

The parade was arranged by a vehicle trading company called AutoGlobalTrade, which originally aimed for 1,317 trucks to arrive at the Nürburgring, but the official number is still something to be proud of. The majority of the trucks were German, with some Rams having arrived from neighboring countries.

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