
Crocodiles browse tasty looking drivers as they attempt to ford a rising river

An Australian woman recorded a wild moment at a national park when she spotted a huge group of salt water crocodiles lingering in a nonchalant and totally not menacing at all manner around a flooded road crossing last week.

According to the Daily Mail, Kristi Moseley and her son Eli were enjoying a day out in Kakadu National Park in Australia's Northern Territory on September 4. When she approached Cahills Crossing, a known haunt of "salties", a local term for the huge crocs, she noticed at least 21 of the creatures lolling about in the water, leering at vehicles and splashing along the flooded bridge.

"There were lots of 3-4 meters, at least one was much bigger, and other 2-3 meter ones cruising around," Moseley told NT News. "Even two really big ones from the lower side climbed over the crossing on the change of tide to join the crew. I have been to Cahills lots of times, but never seen this. It was awesome."

As the tide came in and the river flooded, several 4WD vehicles muscled their way across the submerged bridge. What really caught the watching crocs' attention though was the small, white sedan that plunged into the rising water as it approached the height of flood. At one point the water was past the car's headlights, but luckily for the driver the car made it across the bridge like a champ. Much to the chagrin, surely, of the watching crocs.

Cahills Crossing, which has a reputation for having a higher than average population of salties, is a road that crosses East Alligator River and provides access to Kakadu National park. While Moseley's video showed a mostly docile pack of crocs, Cahills Crossing has an ugly reputation when it comes to humans and crocs mixing it up. Aside from numerous close calls, Cahills Crossing is known for two notorious croc-related deaths.

Back in 2013, a man named Sean Cole was dragged away and killed by a huge saltie while swimming at the crossing. In 1987, Kerry McLoughlin was wading in the Crossing when he was attacked by a seventeen footer who, despite the beer can McLoughlin lobbed at its head in self-defense, took the poor man's head clean off.

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