
Ludicrously quick Tesla Model S is now quicker, apparently

Records 2.65-second zero-to-sixty time

We all know the Ludicrous Tesla Model S P90D is crazy quick. However, since it received a refresh in April – a new fascia, a reworked rear diffuser, among other items – it seems to have gotten even quicker. We saw some evidence of that recently when we watched one set a new 10.8-second 1/4-mile record.

If that video got you wondering if, perhaps, the new cars have also improved on their 0-to-60 times, well, wonder no more. Our bud Brooks Weisblat over at Drag Times got his hands and leaden right foot on one and, after installing his performance-measuring Vbox, put it to a pretty simple test.

With 19-inch all-season radials at the corners and a non-prepared stretch of asphalt, he got in and, with launch control engaged, let it fly. Despite all his experience with high-speed acceleration, an expletive still slipped his lips as the car shot forward. The result: 2.65 seconds. And, to ensure it wasn't a fluke, Weisblat tells AutoblogGreen he repeated the feat and got a similar result.

Watching footage of the feat, then, begs the question: do recently built Tesla Model S sedans (and Model X's, for that matter) make more power than pre-refresh examples? Theories and opinions abound. Some suggest the difference is all down to aerodynamics, while others say the new cars are actually hiding the much-anticipated 100-kWh batteries in their bottoms.

Weisblat thinks the improved acceleration may be down to better, though not necessarily bigger, battery packs. And, though Tesla's official line is,"Horsepower and torque ratings for Model S P90D with Ludicrous remain as stated on our website," he is quite sure that output has increased. Indeed, he has what he believes to be proof.

Using the PowerTools app, he recorded the a 55-horsepower difference between his Model X and his Model S, both Ludicrous P90D's. You can go look over his figures, along with a handy graph here. Whatever the case, it seems like Tesla is making an effort to hold its position as the quickest production sedan in the marketplace, and keeping that battery-powered halo polished.

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