
Tesla uses augmented reality to improve EV manufacturing

Reports indicate it's the latest Google Glass Enterprise Edition.

Combine two of the hottest ideas in the technology field, and you get Tesla using augmented reality to builds its EVs. Add Google Glass to the mix, and the result is a cutting-edge tech trifecta. According to Electrek, workers at the automaker's Fremont, CA, factory are using the new Google Glass Enterprise Edition to improve the manufacturing process.

There's no solid proof Tesla is using Google's latest augmented reality glasses at its factory, but the evidence points that way. According to Electrek, APX Labs is a partner for creating Google Glass software and reports that Tesla is a client. APX creates solutions for other companies' wearables too, but a video last year showed the firm's software at use in Tesla's factory on the earlier Explorer Edition of Google Glass. Photos previously on the firm's website also presented the tech in use at the Fremont plant.

Google Glass Enterprise Edition adapts the unsuccessful consumer product for industrial use. It's now waterproof and has higher specs, according to Electrek. Workers can wear it to have at-a-glance access to data while assembling vehicles or doing other tasks in the factory. Using augmented reality to assist auto manufacturing could be the future. For example, Microsoft and Volvo are partnering on similar tech, and a promotional video showed the concept at work.

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