
This 1966 BMW 1600 Neue Klasse lives on the backroads

Among early BMWs, the 2002 gets a lot of love for being a relatively accessible, great-handling little sports coupe. Jim Huff explains in the latest episode of Petrolicious why the slightly earlier BMW 1600 Neue Klasse sedan also offers a fantastic drive – especially with some choice modifications.

Huff was a fan of 2002s until his wife gave him a vintage BMW sedan model car as a gift. That toy sparked his interest in the Bavarian automaker's earlier four-door models, and he had to have one to drive. He eventually tracked down his 1966 1600 and started on a project to convert it into a great vehicle for blasting over California's backroads.

Huff's 1600 still features the original classic lines, but his now includes a larger 2.0-liter engine with Weber carbs, an upgraded suspension, and improved brakes. As a result of the tuning, the vintage BMW can hang with Huff's buddies in Alfa Romeos and Porsches on curvy roads. It sounds fantastic, too.

Petrolicous interviews Huff, and he discusses a little about the history of these sedans. The real highlight is seeing and hearing his BMW in motion, though. Enjoy the ride with him in this video.

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