
Volvo V90, LeMons Race Van, Renault Alpine | Autoblog Podcast #467

Episode #467 of the Autoblog Podcast is here. This week, Dan Roth, Mike Austin, and Greg Migliore discuss the 2017 Volvo V90, our newly-acquired LeMons Race Van, and the possible return of the Renault Alpine. As always, we start with the Autoblog Garage and wrap up by answering your questions.

Check out the rundown with times for topics, and thanks for listening!

Autoblog Podcast #467

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

In The Autoblog Garage
Hosts: Dan Roth, Mike Austin, Greg Migliore

  • Intro and Garage – 00:00
  • Volvo V90 – 22:47
  • LeMons Race Van - 32:19
  • Renault Alpine – 36:03
  • Q&A – 46:55

Total Duration: 59:20

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