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Design the Obsessive Car Disorder t-shirt for Autoblog and Blipshift

Make Us A Killer Tee And We'll Send You To Race School

If you love cars, The Internet and sweet t-shirts, congratulations; you're probably a young person that I could hang out with. If those things apply to you and you're also a regular Autoblog reader, I'd be willing to bet a substantial portion of my vintage Matchbox car collection that you know also about Blipshift.

For those of you that don't – thanks for sticking around this long – allow me to introduce you. Blipshift offers a new car-themed t-shirt every few days, some funny, some design-y, some thought provoking and some that I still don't get (I'm older than you). Take a look and see what I mean... don't even act like you're not going to bookmark that.

A fake intra-office poll reveals that 94 percent of Autoblog editors and staff already have Blipshirts in their closets. So, it only made sense that we collaborate on something cool, and here it is. A contest!

Playing on Autoblog's mandate to obsessively cover the auto industry, we're looking for your designs on the theme of OCD: Obsessive Car Disorder. What car thing gives you night sweats? A perfect handbrake turn? The ultimate dyno reading? A 'Ring run under eight minutes? You get the idea, and we want yours.

Document your idea with a drawing, or a doodle, or even with your words. Then get at us with a picture of your obsessive design on social media. You can upload to our contest tab on Facebook, tag an Instagram image with #AutoblogOCDContest, or tweet it out with that same hashtag.

The winning design, as chosen by a secret and wise panel of judges, using the official rules outlined here, gets more than just glory, too. Our champion also wins a Skip Barber Intro to Racing School session at their track of choice. And Blipshift is throwing in all 20 shirts from its next sale – an unheard of collection of witty tees. (Even the SnorgTees models will be jealous.)

The contest starts right now, and ends on April 26, 2015, at 10:00 PM Eastern Time. Get designing!

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