
Homeless man receives donations after helping motorists stranded in snowstorm

A homeless man in Colorado Springs is earning praise in his community and on the Internet after he helped push multiple stranded cars up an icy hill last weekend.

Drivers in Colorado are very experienced at driving in inclement weather, but the storm that hit Colorado Springs on Saturday gave even the seasoned drivers of the Rocky Mountain State a serious headache. Shelby Hudgens was on the street corner watching cars get stuck on the icy hill. Hudgens had no warm home to go to. He had been living in his car with his dog and his few remaining possessions since his home burned down in November. So he decided to help out.

"I've been out here pushing cars for about the last three hours," he told KOAA. "They've been stuck going up this hill – right down at the very bottom they get stuck."

After the station spoke to Hudgens people began finding ways to help the good Samaritan. One person who saw the report put Hudgens up in a hotel room, another offered him a job and a GoFundMe page has so far pulled in over $5,000 in donations.

"Hopefully I'll be able to get a job just as quickly and everything will just keep snowballing and getting better," he told KOAA in a follow-up interview.

It seems this harsh winter is bringing out the best in people. Earlier this year The Detroit Free Press told the story of Detroiter James Robertson, who was walking 21 miles a day to get to work. His story of perseverance caused people around the world to donate over $300,000 and a brand new Ford Taurus to Robertson.

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