
Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider rightfully fawned over by Petrolicious

Following the Top Gear adage "You can't be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa Romeo," is rather difficult for those of us in North America. Faced with a distinct lack of new cars and an equally disturbing abundance of vintage basketcases, the road to Alfa ownership is a difficult one for residents of the new world.

Where there's a will, there's a way, though, and the benefits certainly seem worthwhile, as we see with Casey Annis and his gorgeous 1962 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider Veloce 1600. Annis is the publisher and editor of Vintage Racecar Magazine, so he knows a thing or six about these classic Alfas. The video discusses his Alfa, which has been upgraded to Veloce specifications, as well as what the Alfa community is like as a whole.

Petrolicious has the story on Annis and his Alfa in its latest video. Fans of classic Italians are not going to want to miss this one.

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