
Tesla's Musk gives a big 'meh' to Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt

What, you thought Elon Musk was going to sing the praises of other plug-in vehicles? Nope, the Tesla Motors CEO didn't disappoint in a recent interview with Bloomberg News, offering a "meh" when it came to his opinion of models such as the Nissan Leaf EV and Chevrolet Volt extended-range plug-in. The interview came on the heels of the Tesla Model S receiving high crash-test ratings from regulators earlier this month.

Musk said the Volt is "OK but not great" and the Leaf's "battery pack range is just way too low."

Of the Volt, Musk said that Chevy "sort of created something that's a bit of amphibian," adding that the General Motors division "essentially split the baby between gasoline and electric, so it's OK but not great." As for the Leaf, Musk, whose Model S can go as far as 265 miles on a single charge, said that the Nissan's "battery pack range is just way too low." Musk wasn't real complimentary of either car's handling, quickness or looks either. No GM or Nissan cocktail parties for you, Mr. Musk. Check it out in the Bloomberg video below.

Musk has reason to be boastful when it comes to comparison shopping. Despite the Model S having a pricetag than can run two-to-four times as much as the Volt or the Leaf, the Tesla has been holding its own, sales-wise. During the second quarter, the Model S moved about 5,150 units, compared to an even 6,300 for the Leaf and 5,611 for the Volt.

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