HondaJet Delayed Once More

Back in October, we told you that Honda would be delaying the HondaJet until mid-2013. Well, that has changed again with Honda now expecting to launch their high-tech light jet in the second half of 2014. Honda says the delays come from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, who say they won't be ready to certify the HondaJet until later in 2014. Earlier expectations set flight approval to this summer, but a minor issue in certification caused the hold up. That issue has since been resolved.

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"There was a minor issue in the process of the engine approval, but the fundamental design of the jet is not being swayed by this," said Honda spokesman Shigeki Endo.

Recent issues with lithium-ion batteries grounded Boeing's 787 Dreamliners. Curiously, the HondaJet also uses lithium-ion battery technology, but Endo says the delays had nothing to do with the batteries.

The HondaJet's over-the-wing turbofan engines and lightweight composite materials contribute to its class-leading fuel economy and cruise speed.

[Source: Reuters]

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