
UAW's King urges nationwide protests, going arm-in-arm with Occupy movement

The modern union movement was kick-started 75 years ago at a General Motors factory in Flint, MI. The workers staged a sit-down protest that eventually led to the formation of the first auto union contract. The United Auto Workers and President Bob King (middle) are looking to celebrate that big anniversary by, of course, hitting the streets in protest.

The Detroit News reports that King told a crowd of about 500 union members that the UAW will join with other unions and members of the Occupy Wall Street movement to protest big corporations that pay no taxes "while middle-class Americans are losing their homes." King went on to rally the troops with promises to fight corporate greed and right wing politics.

King and company plan to start their collaborative protesting on April 25 with a demonstration in front of the General Electric stakeholders meeting in Detroit. Of course GE isn't all that thrilled about the negative spotlight. GE spokesman Andrew Williams tells The Detroit News that the conglomerate paid a billion dollars in taxes in 2010.

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