
Chevy Volt audio essence enters Universal Studio's sound library

Close your eyes and concentrate for a moment. Imagine that you're driving in a car, and over the course of the trip, you accelerate, travel at a specific speed and eventually stop. Done? Good. Now, what did it sound like?

Naturally, the answer to that question depends on a number of factors, such as how fast you were traveling and, perhaps more importantly, what kind of vehicle you were driving. As such, when it comes time for a movie studio to add a soundtrack to a motion picture, there are a slew of variables that will ultimately dictate what sounds to include.

Interestingly enough, this exact scenario played out at Universal Studios, and the action was captured on both the sound recorder and the video recorder. First up is a Chevrolet Corvette, which, as you might expect, sung a high-horsepower tune of screeching tires punctuated by the bass staccato of a large-displacement V8. You must admit, it sounds good.

But what if the movie plot calls for something a little less... petroleum powered? According to Universal Studios, such a sound recording is a little bit more difficult to achieve, as the sounds of an electric motor are quite a bit more subtle than the combustion of hydrocarbons in a cylinder. Check out the video after the break to see how it's done, as demonstrated by the Chevy Volt.

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