
Even LaHood thinks the NTSB mobile electronics ban is flawed [w/poll]

When Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood thinks a ban on drivers using electronic devices is a flawed, you know it's a bad idea. But that's exactly what the Good Secretary told David Shepardson of the Detroit News during a recent interview.

Citing the recent recommendation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to impose a nationwide ban on mobile phone use while driving, LaHood makes it clear that "the problem is not hands-free."

Although LaHood has made it a priority to shine a spotlight on distracted driving in the U.S., even he sees the flawed logic in the NTSB's recommendation. Texting, emailing and updating social networks is one thing, but an outright ban on mobile phone use in the car is obviously a step too far.

Still, LaHood extends an olive branch to NTSB chairwoman Debbie Hersman, saying, "Anybody that wants to join the chorus against distracted driving, welcome aboard," but continuing that "If other people want to work on hands-free, so be it."

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