
Nissan sends cute little PLUG on zero-emission adventures

A recent promotional video from Nissan featured singing electrical outlets wishing the Leaf a happy birthday. Now we've got another quirky look at the plugged-in life through a collection of short clips about "The Planet Zero."

In the videos, a little character called PLUG goes about its day on the Planet Zero. Nissan says:

This is a story about a planet that is very similar to Earth set in the not too distant future. There, the inhabitants live peacefully for as long as forever by creating electricity-like energy from their sun and winds and sharing it with each other. Take a peek at the daily lives of PLUG and his friends. Enjoy!

The animated shorts have a sort of Miyazaki-Hayao-meets-Nick-Park vibe, which could most certainly be worse. Whether it'll sell more EVs is another question. Nissan says the Planet Zero website is aimed at getting high school and college students to, "enjoy leaning a zero-emission society which Nissan aims for and the value and the appeal EV will bring about." You can see for yourself, both in a six-minute series of shorts or a 13-minute romance, after the jump.

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