Saab fans virtually occupy GM Facebook page

Remember back in your college days when the more extreme among the student activists would stage sit-ins to protest this issue or that? Well, the practice has jumped from the university administration building to cyberspace, and in the process, it's made its way into the automotive sphere.

The development centers around Saab, its loyal followers and General Motors' Facebook page. You see, fans of the Swedish automaker are a little upset that GM is standing in the way of Trollhättan's potential salvation at the hands of the Chinese. As such, they've taken en masse to The General's social media presence to post messages like "Let Saab Go!"

We can almost hear Moses petitioning Pharoah, or the distant rumble of the Occupy Wall Street movement applauding in the background. Whether it will be enough to make Detroit relent remains to be seen, but we wouldn't begrudge the faithful from making their stand.

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