
What's Jeremy Clarkson's favorite car of the year?

Whether he's hosting an episode of Top Gear, writing a column for a magazine or newspaper, or putting together his own DVD special, there's little doubt that Jeremy Clarkson has an enviable level of access to pretty much any car he wants. That ranges from the latest supercars to everyday commuters to oddball one-off classics like the Brutus. So which, of all the cars at his disposal, is his favorite this year?

The answer might surprise you. While the BMW 535d M-Sport Touring is Clarkson's choice for the best car of the year, it's not his favorite. No, that accolade belongs to the one that can put the biggest grin on his mug. So which gets the top prize from the UK's top automotive personality? Follow the jump to watch a clip from his new Powered Up DVD to find out.

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