
Former VW CEO Pischetsrieder settles tax evasion charges with charity

Former Volkswagen CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder has successfully managed to avoid tax evasion charges in Germany by agreeing to donate around $193,000 to various charities, according to Automotive News. Pischetsrieder had been charged with evading more than €230,000 in taxes between 2000 and 2003 (around $322,500 USD) by transferring interest on loans between various properties. The ex-VW executive went on trial on Monday, and according to reports, Pischetsrieder told the court that he never set out to intentionally evade taxes and that he hadn't hidden his activities from authorities.

Pischetsrieder served as Seat CEO from 2000 to 2002, when he replaced Ferdinand Pi


as VW Group CEO. Pi


ch then moved to become VW Group Chairman, and in 2006, the two had a falling out that saw Pischetsrieder ousted from the company. Martin Winterkorn replaced Pischetsrieder at that time, and he continues to serve as VW Group CEO.

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