
Chevy pushes Sonic out of plane for first marketing effort

We're big fans of the 2012 Chevrolet Sonic, which is launching this month behind a large-scale digital marketing effort. Chevy is calling the campaign "Let's Do This," and it features the Sonic "performing" a variety of YouTube-worthy stunts, like skydiving and bungee jumping. You can check out the 27-camera skydiving video after the jump.

It's no secret that the ads are targeted at millenials, just like the car itself. General Motors would really like the Sonic to be a hit with the kids, rather than just appealing to people who want the cheapest car they can find. Chevy's ad director told Automotive News that GM is hoping to connect with young people who don't "have the history necessarily or even the baggage you might say that a lot of the more traditional consumers might have."

To that end, GM is also bankrolling a 10-car giveaway through a social media game. To win, participants have to do wacky stuff like "working out in the middle of a grocery store or donating blood dressed as a vampire" then upload proof of their deeds. Chevy is calling it the "Game of Firsts," no doubt inspired by having finally built its first credible compact.

Click past the break to watch the video.

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