
Former Chrysler CEO Nardelli backpedals on bailout comments

Former Chrysler CEO Bob Nardelli has performed a curt about face on his comments about the Obama Administration's handling of the auto bailout. The Detroit News reports that Nardelli said that he believes the administration made the correct decision for Chrysler in an email to the publication. Nardelli didn't go so far as to deny his earlier statements, but said that he understood why the government chose the path it took in the situation. He continued on to say that Chrysler was very appreciative of the government's understanding and assistance.

That's a starkly different tone from last week, when Nardelli was quoted as saying that if Cerberus had been given the same deal that the Obama Administration gave Fiat, Chrysler would still be doing as well as it is now. The former CEO went on to say that the automaker's current revival was thanks solely to moves that Cerberus put in place before bankruptcy.

Apparently Nardelli raised the wrong eyebrows with that gem.

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