Motorcycle Safety Foundation graduates 6 millionth student

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has just passed an amazing milestone by graduating its 6 millionth Rider Course student. MSF has been training safer riders since 1973 and currently boasts 10,000 coaches in over 2,000 locations. While probably best-known for its introductory motorcycle school, MSF also works in tandem with military, federal and state groups to train riders on a professional level. All told, the group offers over 23 courses for every level of rider skill, and since most insurance agencies offer a discount to MSF grads, there's no reason not to spend a weekend honing your capabilities.

Autoblog is proud to say that its ranks are packed with MSF grads, your author included. Personally, the course has kept me from bouncing off the pavement more times than I can count, and has made me a more aware rider overall. For more information on an MSF course in your area, check out the organization's site.

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