
How can BYD fix its troubles?

Chinese automaker BYD, backed by U.S. billionaire Warren Buffett, may be headed down a rocky road. According to Daily Finance, BYD's troubles aren't limited to profits tumbling. In fact, Daily Finance hints that BYD will need to step up its game to keep Buffet from bailing out entirely.

Troubles at BYD have cast doubt on the automaker's ambitious goals and, increasingly, on its continued existence. Daily Finance says, "Shoddy manufacturing, cheap materials, models that looked suspiciously like Toyota clones, concerns about the actual quality of BYD's battery technology, and sharp declines in sales" have raised concerns over BYD's automotive future.

Time for a turnaround, it seems. Daily Finance says the only way BYD can recover is by launching fresh vehicles to spark buyer interest. The automaker's once-popular F3 and F6 have fizzled and, with BYD so intent on launching plug-in vehicles, the Chinese automaker may be writing its own eulogy. You see, plug-in vehicles don't sell in quantity in China and BYD's millions of dollars spent on advanced battery technology have, so far, been wasted, says Daily Finance.

The rebound? Daily Finance says BYD's future lies in the automaker's ability to overcome quality concerns, to sell its plug-in vehicles for profit in mass quantities and, most importantly, to keep Buffet from abandoning ship.

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