New survey finds the majority of likely US voters do not want an increase in gasoline tax

While people are pretty sure the U.S. government needs to do something about the country's mounting debt, raising gas taxes is not going to be a popular part of the solution. Recently, Rasmussen Reports conducted a national telephone survey and found that only 33 percent of U.S. voters supported a gas tax hike. A whopping 53 percent flat out oppose it, even if the increase was used only for building and maintaining the Interstate Highway System.
There is also a divide among voters on how federal gas taxes that are collected should be spent. 45 percent of voters agree with the current system, where gas taxes are used to maintain the Interstate Highway System as well as to fund mass transit systems like subways, trains and buses. 38 percent disagree and believe the taxes should only be used for the Interstate Highway System. Without an increase to the federal gas tax, though, major cuts will need to be made to keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent. House Republicans are already proposing such cuts.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,000 likely voters on July 8 and 9.

[Source: Green Car Congress | Image: mandj98 – C.C. License 2.0]

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