West Philly High School team wins MPG Road Rally

The students and teachers from West Philadelphia High School's Academy of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering already showed that they knew what they were doing months ago when their hybrid Focus finished as a semifinalist in the Automotive X-Prize and when they demonstrated their 60-mpg hybrid Attack. Once again, these high schoolers competed against some of the nation's top universities (and plenty of private companies) – and this time they didn't settle for runner up.

The latest product of the West Philly Hybrid X team, built using a Factor Five GTM supercar kit powered by a diesel hybrid system, took top honors in the fuel economy road rally portion of the Green Grand Prix. With the 1.9-liter diesel cranking on biodiesel and the electric drive packed with 8.8 kWh of power from International Battery lithium cells, the racer returned 160 mpge over the 100-mile race. The West Philly team is building up a record (and a stable of vehicles) that would be the envy of many other organizations.

[Source: EV World | Image: West Philly Hybrid X Team]

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