
Growing international demand for Jeep Wrangler straining Toledo plant?

2011 Jeep Wrangler Mojave - Click above for high-res image gallery

Fiat is working to sell more and more Chrysler models abroad, and the effort may already be pushing some of the automaker's manufacturing facilities to capacity. That appears to be true in the case of the Jeep Wrangler. According to The Toledo Blade, global demand for the off-road heathen is growing at a substantial pace, especially in Europe. As a result, total demand for the venerable SUV may easily overtake the capacity of its manufacturing complex in Toledo, Ohio. So far this year, Wrangler sales are up 13 percent in the U.S. alone, and with Jeep refranchising completed in Europe, Wrangler sales could increase even further abroad.

The globalization of Jeep products may lead to new models arriving here in the States, too. According to Michael Manley, president of the Jeep brand, Europe's unique emissions standards may make a viable case for once again introducing a diesel-powered Jeep on American soil. We like the sound of that.

So what will Chrysler do to keep up the Wrangler pace? Manley was tight-lipped about the future of Wrangler production here in the U.S. and abroad, though if sales continue to outstrip the automaker's ability to produce, something will have to be done in short order.

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