
Bellflower trailer mixes homebuilt Mad Max motoring with flame throwers, angst

Bellflower features homebuilt Mad Max-style cars – Click above to watch video after the jump

Bellflower is the story of two friends named Woodrow and Aiden. They enjoy preparing for a perceived forthcoming global apocalypse by building muscle cars and flamethrowers. As one would be want to do in such a situation. The dynamic shifts when Woodrow meets a girl and falls in love. Woodrow and Aiden begin to move into different circles, and so opens a rabbit hole of love, anger, betrayal and violence.

Why are we droning on about an upcoming indie flick? We're not movie critics, but we do love cars, and Bellflower features one of the meanest machines to grace the silver screen in some time. The car is known as Medusa, and it started life as a standard 1972 Buick Skylark. A supercharged Chevrolet 455 sits in the engine bay, and a pair of semi-truck grade exhaust stacks climb out of the trunk. With the flip of a switch, those stacks can spew 30-foot high flames or engulf the surrounding area in smoke.

Medusa is essentially America's own Mad Max machine.

The film hits theaters on August 5, and initial reviews have been very strong. The trailer is waiting for you after the jump, as is a clip of Medusa entertaining the crowd at the recent SXSW festival in Austin.

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