Geek Group to electrify Lotus Esprit, you can help [w/VIDEO]

Geek Group takes delivery of 1997 Lotus Esprit – Click above to watch video after the jump

The Geek Group – a self-described non-profit organization focused on science, technology, engineering, math, and arts education – has decided to take on the task of making a Lotus Esprit, vintage 1997, run on electricity instead of gasoline. Those familiar with the group, perhaps better known for blowing things up then putting them back together, might question why they are taking on the project. The answer lies mostly in the fact that they were given the car, minus its non-functional Type 918 all-aluminum twin-turbo V8, and that they have a new large work space in Grand Rapids, MI to serve as their "vehicular sciences lab."

The project aims to give the Lotus performance equal to that of the combustion-powered original – excluding range – and serve as their flagship Geekmobile. If you have an interest in helping them out by either donating or joining the group and getting your hands dirty, hop onto their website to hook up. They will be making videos of the build as they go, so subscribe to their YouTube channel or Facebook page to follow along. Hit the jump for the first episode, which features the car's arrival and outline of the plan.

[Source: The Geek Group via El]

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