Report: Best Buy nearly pulling the plug on electric scooters, motorcycles

With sales of scooters up 50 percent in the first quarter of 2011, you'd think that Best Buy, which has been peddling electric two-wheelers for years, would be rolling in the dough. Apparently, that's not the case.
According to BNET, Best Buy's extensive lineup of zero-emissions two-wheelers aren't selling well. Apparently, lackluster sales have the consumer electronics giant rethinking its stance on electric vehicles.

Best Buy spokeswoman, Kelly Groehler, told BNET that:
We're shutting down our broader two-wheel electric sales in 27 markets. There's a huge barrier with consumers about how they'll charge the vehicles. We'll continue to offer a small number of electric scooters and one bike in 250 locations [out of its 1,101 in the U.S.] during the summer biking season only.
So, is Best Buy still considering electric vehicle sales? Well, as Groehler told BNET, "We're not planning to do that at any time in the future. We're not making commitments at this time." Groehler's words don't exactly rule out the possibility that Best Buy could eventually sell electric vehicles, though it seems unlikely that the electronics superstore will be peddling battery-powered automobiles any time soon.

[Source: BNET]

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