Protoscar Lampo3 is a super electric 2+2 coupé [w/VIDEO]

Protoscar Lampo3 – Click above to watch video after the jump

Protoscar have unveiled the third generation of its electric vehicle development platform and demonstrator, appropriately call the Lampo3. This newest targa-topped Lampo iteration was built on the knowledge gained from driving the previous two models some 30,000 km (18,641 miles) and is really a cut above those earlier vehicles.

The all-Brusa drivetrain injects 420 kW (550 horsepower) and 900 Nm (660 lb-ft) into a tubular steel chassis via one motor on the front axle and two in the tail. The arrangement allows for torque-vectoring trickery by the back wheels as well between the front and rear axles. The composite-bodied 2+2 coupé accelerates to 100 km/h (62 miles per hour) in 4.5 seconds and tops out at a respectable 220 km/h (136 mph).

Its stated 200 km (124 mile) range is derived from a 32 kWh battery made from four water cooled Brusa-branded packs using cells from Kokam. The 360 kg ( 794 lb) energy storage unit is situated in the center tunnel. The car boasts a massive 22 kW on-board charger – by comparison the Nissan Leaf charger is 3.3 kW – and can charge in one and a half hours given an adequate power supply. It also features a CHAdeMO interface for DC fast charging and is said to get 100 km (62 miles) of driving from a ten minute plug-in session.

Although this original prototype is not for sale – it is going to be demonstrated this summer by 2010 GT1 24 hours of LeMans-winner, Gabriele Gardel – the Swiss company does mention a "micro-series" production run is possible. Check out the gallery below before hitting the jump for videos and the official press release.

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[Source: Protoscar]
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From LAMPO to LAMPO3: The evolution to a purpose designed premium EV.

LAMPO3 is a battery powered electric demonstration sports car developed on the base of 30.000 km lessons learned with its predecessors LAMPO and LAMPO2. It features a purpose designed light weight chassis, a 2+2 coupé design and a fast charge option. The BRUSA powertrain (3 motors with a total output of 420 kW) guarantee extreme performances without compromises in terms of efficiency. LAMPO3 has been developed by Protoscar ( ), a Swiss company working for OEMs, power utilities and governments, and since 24 years specialized in the development of CleanCar projects. LAMPO3 has been unveiled the 11 May in the M-Way Shop in Zürich.

LAMPO evolution
LAMPO3 is the 3rd sports EV prototype realized by Protoscar, the first company worldwide
having developed three generations of 4WD sporty EVs within three years. After more than 30.000 kilometers "lessons learned" with its predecessors LAMPO and LAMPO2, tested by more than 500 different drivers (mostly OEM's engineers) on European roads and test tracks, Protoscar's highly specialized staff made its dream become truth: the purpose designed 2+2 coupé LAMPO3.

Purpose designed chassis
LAMPO3 is an electric sports car with purpose designed lightweight chassis that impressively shows un-compromised CleanCar design and engineering competences:

1) For the first time a pure electric 2+2 coupé features a chassis specifically built around the electric components, unlike most OEMs' EV-chassis, which are adapted from
internal combustion versions. LAMPO3 is the worldwide first pure electric sports car
being a 2+2 seater and providing enough luggage space and optimized ergonomics.

2) The light weight chassis carries actively cooled batteries, optimally positioned in the
central tunnel to improve drive dynamics, safety and pay load.

3) Three motors - of which two on the rear axle and one on the front axle - allow an
improved dynamic behaviour of the car and an optimized torque vectoring, not only
between front and rear axles, but also between the two rear wheels (the motors actively
drive on different adapted RPMs for instance in curves, where the inner wheel turns
slower than the outer wheel).

Technical description and top performances
LAMPO3 has three electric motors (in fact becoming a four-wheel drive with variable torque between front and rear axle for optimal handling, safety and efficiency) with a total output of 420 kW (equivalent to 550 HP), 900 Nm and 32 kWh of Lithium-Ion battery capacity. LAMPO3 features real sports-car performances: 4.5 seconds for accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h, 220 km/h of max. speed, and 200 km of range. More than enough energy for driving throughout the whole year is produced by a remote solar plant, allowing a real zero-emission drive..

As the first two LAMPO prototypes, LAMPO3 impressively demonstrates that from a pure
performance point of view (acceleration, torque, overtaking, speed, efficiency) pure E-drive is THE solution not only for city cars, but for all other types of vehicles including premium segment cars (the only segment, through which new technologies have been introduced into the market successfully so far). The real performance of LAMPO3 will be
demonstrated on different test-tracks during the year 2011 by the winner of the 2010 GT1
24 hours of LeMans, Mr Gabriele Gardel. Catch him ... if you can!

For the first time a LAMPO concept could be produced in a micro-series for public
customers such as companies involved in the EV development, entities dealing with the
promotion of EVs and private enthusiasts.

Charging Modes
LAMPO3 is equipped with the new BRUSA on-board charger NLG6 allowing up to a 22kW
of charging power. Therefore LAMPO3 can be charged with every kind of power actually
on the market: from a standard single-phase 10 A plug, up to a three-phase 32A for
charging at industrial plugs (fleet users).

Moreover LAMPO3 has an interface for DC fast charging based on CHAdeMO standard
( With LAMPO3 different infrastructure solutions will be tested and

Home Charge Device
The Home Charge Device offers maximum safety to charge any compatible electric vehicle, because its hardware and software is personalized to a specific car brand, model, plug (Type 1 / 2 / 3 or CEEPlus Plug) and to a specific national grid. Electric plugs are available everywhere, but not all of them can withstand the full power required by an electric vehicle charger. The HCD allows the automatic adapting according to the limitations of the available infrastructure.

The HCD is to be considered as "snow chains": because it is personalized, it follows the
specific car once the car changes to a second user. This is why the HCD is conceived as a
mobile device, and can easily be hanged up on the wall (in the garage or outside, since
the HCD is conceived both, for indoor and outdoor use). The marketing concept is to offer
the possibility of ordering the HCD equipment device and its proper installation at the
same time, including a relevant check of the existing electric domestic installation.

Fast Charge (in association with ABB)
The ABB DC fast charge station is conceived to dramatically decrease the charging time of
electric vehicles. According to the battery type and its status, an additional range of up to 100 km can be achieved within 10 minutes of charging. This charging solution is mainly
intended as a range extension, not as a recharge system for full charges, although this
would be possible as well (at least between 20% and 80% DOD - according to the battery
type and status).

The ABB DC fast charge follows the CHAdeMO standard. Two characteristics define this
standard: protocol and connector compatibility - both will be made available by CHAdeMO,
and no IP will limit the diffusion of such systems. Nissan, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Peugeot,
Citroen, Think and Protoscar already support this standard from an OEM point of view.


Well to Wheel approach
Protoscar not just realises zero emission vehicles, but also cares about the energy needed
to let them move. This takes into account the entire energy chain, focused on CO2 emissions - the so called "Well-to-Wheel" ( LAMPO3 is powered by
solar energy, produced by a remote 16 kWh photovoltaic plant located in Seggiano
(Tuscany), Vitabella Palazzetto. The energy produced is put into the global grid and
charges the LAMPOs around Europe when needed. The goal is to self-produce all the energy that we need for the car getting to counterbalance the entire consumption.

Innovative top-down approach
With LAMPO3 we clearly apply a top-down approach, instead of a bottom-up strategy.
Traditionally the automobile sector initially shows trendy characteristics in exclusive,
premium, vehicles. Unavoidably, at first the price of such products is very high but with
growing production the prices decrease, allowing a large number of people to have access
to the new technology (in other words the first buyers allow the technology to circulate).
However, in the electric vehicles market the strategy is often contrary based on a bottomup
approach. This is the reason why electric vehicles are not always successful. In today's
market the majority of the EV promoters try to sell electric cars as a "rational vehicle" and forget the emotional aspects. But as a matter of fact, for most buyers a car is essentially an emotional object and not only a means of transport. The LAMPO3 as well as its predecessors LAMPO and LAMPO2 shall demonstrate that electric drivetrains can be
perceived positively and totally accepted if placed and launched in a different way.
Vehicle's name and logo

LAMPO3 - "3" because it is not just the third car within the LAMPO project developed by
Protoscar, but it is even more efficient than its predecessors and the purpose design
chassis represents a huge step forward in terms of design and engineering of sporty Evs.
In the Italian language LAMPO means „lightning". A lightning stands for power, especially
for electric energy like the one propelling LAMPO3. Moreover a lightning is fast, intense,
impressive and, last but not least, LAMPO3 is a product of nature. The edgy logo of
LAMPO3 with its straight lines reminds the lightening and emphasizes the electric spirit of
the car.

Vehicle's design
The Design of LAMPO3 has been inspired from an oblique approach to car design,
combined with an essential rule for an extremely advanced, performing and efficient vehicle: form follows function.
We took inspiration from the American Le Mans and FIA GT1 series cars, where all the
functional aspects of these high performance cars are presented in a stylish way.
The general layout of the vehicle, consisting in a shortened bonnet, front wheels close to
the cabin, long wheelbase and short rear overhang, helps to give a very dynamic feel to
the silhouette of the car. This combined with some "LAMPO DNA" design clues creates the
mix that lead to the final design that wears LAMPO3 body.

Protoscar SA ( is a design company founded in 1987 specialized in
CleanCars and based in Rovio (Ticino, Switzerland). It presently employs 14 specialists.
We act like a "Minergie-architect", but apply the efficiency-concepts to cars, mainly by
introducing electrification. Our unique experiences and holistic approach allow us not only
to develop forward looking strategies and outstanding vehicle concepts, but also to support
the market introduction of CleanCars and the communication activity of these
technologies. We are proud to include worldwide companies like Alpiq, Fraunhofer IAO,
ABB, Daimler AG, General Motors, Rinspeed-Esoro and Nissan among our faithful clients.
Sponsors & Partners

Protoscar would like to thank all partners and sponsors who have allowed such an ambitious project as LAMPO to become reality: In addition to BRUSA, which supplies the components of the whole drive train, the main partners and sponsors of LAMPO3 are ALPIQ (leading Swiss company in power generation and distribution), ABB (DC fastcharging technology), Credit Suisse (one of the world's leading financial services providers), m-way (future distribution) and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy as well as the technical partners Metaltool, Q11, EVTEC, BASF, Nationale Suisse and Leoni.

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