Video: Acrid smoke spews toward the Nissan Leaf in New York

Nissan Leaf billboard in NY – Click above to watch video after the jump

Visitors of the 2011 New York Auto Show are sure to spot Nissan's billboard advertisement touting the virtues of zero tailpipe emissions. The ad features an exhaust pipe spewing acrid smoke into the air and, if the wind is a blowin' in the right direction, the smog engulfs the electrified Leaf. Nissan's billboard reads:
The auto show has over 1,000 of these. But only one 100% electric, zero-tailpipe Nissan Leaf.
Whereas an actual vehicle's exhaust emissions can be acrid, the smoke pouring from the tailpipe on Nissan's ad is nominally environmentally friendly. Hit the jump to see the exhaust pipe spew smoke from Nissan's billboard in NYC.

[Source: AdWeek]

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